The sheer size of the Museum is breath-taking. Alabaster statue of the high priestess Amenirdisġ0 Reasons Why Tourists Love Visiting The Egyptian Museum. The fragmented sculpture of the goddess Mut and her husband, the chief god Amun. Statue of Mentuhotep II (Middle Kingdom). Statue of Ka-aper, aka Sheikh el Balad (Old Kingdom). Narmer Palette (Old Kingdom) -Front of Narmer Palette, Back of Narmer PalettStatue of Djoser (Old Kingdom). Additionally, it will attempt to respond to some of the most common questions about visiting the website, such as What is the best time to visit? What are the entrance fees? What are the safety recommendations? And more. We will cover history and artefacts in this guide. There are over 3,500 pieces of Tutankhamon's tomb's artefacts, 1,700 of which are on display in the museum (the rest are in storerooms). The Middle Kingdom artefacts from the kings' and royal families' tombs discovered at Dahshur in 1894 are just a few of the important groups of the over 120,000 artifacts on display in this museum the contents of the tombs of Yuya and Thuya as well as the royal tombs of Tuthmosis III, Tuthmosis IV, Amenhotep III, and Horemheb. Several design projects were submitted, but the one presented by French architect Marcel Dourgnon was selected as the winner. It was then moved to Ismail Pasha's palace in Giza until its final resting place was completed. The original collection, established in the late 1800s, was previously housed in a building in Bulaq.
It is thus considered the Middle East's first national Museum. It is a product of a competition launched by the Egyptian Government in 1895, with more than 100 exhibition halls. It is a one-of-a-kind structure designed to house the oldest Pharaonic art and monument collection, built on a 13,600-square-foot lot.
The Museum is located in the heart of Cairo's Tahrir Square. The Museum is also very well-organized, and the staff is always happy to help visitors find what they're looking for. The Museum of Egyptian antiquities collection is incredibly diverse, and there is something for everyone to see.